The dog whistle - your perfect training tool
The dog whistle is a great tool for dog training. Find out exactly how it works and what you need to know about the dog whistle here!

SPRENGER System 4 Steigbügel im Praxistest
Caro von dem Account sunny_kiss hat die SPRENGER System 4 Steigbügel getestet und ihre Erfahrung auf eine sehr besondere Weise beschrieben: "Ein ganz normaler Reitplatz an einem Tag wie jeder ander...

Für ein Hundegeschirr zu messen kann manchmal eine echte Herausforderung sein. Was Du zum Thema Hundegeschirr Passform und Hundegeschirr Größe wissen musst, haben wir Dir in diesem Blogbeitrag zusa...

DOGlive Münster – Messe & Event
Die DOGlive ist die Hundemesse in Münster und für alle Hundebesitzer genau das Richtige. Teil des unglaublich breiten Angebots auf der Messe ist diese Jahr auch SPRENGER. Erfahre hier mehr!

Auf der Suche nach der richtigen Hundesportart für Dich und Deinen Hund? Entdecke hier die beliebtesten Hundesportarten!

SPRENGER x Ingrid Klimke Collection
Together with our longtime partner Ingrid Klimke, we have designed a unique collection with our and your favorite products! Find out all about the collection here.

In this blog, we will introduce you to the advantages of our Baucher bits - the popular bit is known to have a special effect in the horse's mouth thanks to its special side parts and buckle, and t...

Looking for inspiration for new dog tricks? Whether you're a beginner or advanced, there's something for everyone in our blog post!

Does your horse tend to be mouthy? Put an end to it! We offer you the best tips and recommendations so that you and your horse can master this challenge together. With SPRENGER, you two are perfect...

So many dog owners wonder: dog harness or dog collar?Find out everything you need to know about dog harnesses in our guide!

Put an end to steamed-up car windows, mouldy leather equipment in the stable or musty smells on your yacht - the FlexDry dehumidifier from SPRENGER was designed to efficiently remove excess humidity.

Our tips: stay safe walking your dog in the dark
The dark season has begun: The perfect time to share tips on safety for dogs in the dark and the best ways to make your dog visible in the dark!