

How many FlexDry do I need in winter storage e.g. for my boat or caravan?

How to dispose the FlexDry?

How does the FlexDry work?

What is FlexDry? Where can I use FlexDry?


Can I use a wire rope in a standard block?

Can I use a wire rope block with a plastic rope?

What advantages does the S-block series have over the old series?

How do I mount a block correctly?

When do I use needle bearing blocks?

When do I use plain bearing blocks?

When do I use ball bearing blocks?

What do the numbers on the blocks mean?

What are the bearing types for Sprenger blocks?

How can damage to the blocks occur?

Are Sprenger blocks suitable for use in salt water?

What are tackles?


For which boats are Sprenger fittings suitable?

Why should I choose Sprenger fittings?

Sheet clamps

What are sheet clamps used for and how do they work?

VC® 17m

How can VC® 17m be painted over?

What can be used to replace VC® 17m?


What is the difference between safe working load and breaking load?

How can I recognize Sprenger products?


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